Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pattern Break

Breaking patterns, creating new opportunities, connecting with the world,
with people
all requires a reset. Stepping out of your comfortable way of doing things, trying something you've never done before, doing something

This week I took 'Facial Expressions,' a visual journaling workshop in Taos, New Mexico with Orly Avineri.

As a graphic designer, and a photographer, I create visual images. But I do so with equipment and a computer.

In the workshop I have reconnected with writing, hand writing, as well as creating with my hands.

Rediscovering handwork such as cutting, pasting, stitching, & painting has opened up rusty hinged doors of expression that are freeing and childlike.

I teeter on a threshold of exploration, new beginnings.

Artwork & words by Terry Rowe, photography available at

I am grateful for all of your comments and views.