Thursday, December 24, 2015

Six Years of Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, 2015.

It is warm here this year, warm enough that people have their doors and windows open well after dark. Walking the dog I am offered glimpses of decorated Christmas trees and people sitting down to dinner, other houses offered a drift of laughter and music from ongoing parties. A part of me keenly felt my lone state as I walked past in the dark; another part was grateful for the day's unfolding, for my dog, for the dinner I had waiting for me at home. I was particularly grateful for all that I have as I walked past the woman who lives in her car & often parks in the neighborhood bank's parking lot.

However you celebrate this holiday season - wishing you peace, love, and an abundance of what pleases you.

I am nearing the end of the sixth year of a 365 photograph a day project. Following is a collection of Christmas Eves past, 2010 - 2015.

2010 - Alexandria, Virginia
Paperwhite bulbs, all setup.
I love to have blooming flowers
and green plants to carry me through the winter.

2011  - Nashville, Tennessee
Visited a cemetery and photographed the beautiful monuments, it was a peaceful, quiet interlude to the day's activities.

2012 - At home in Alexandria, Virginia. I had the day off so took a drive out into the country and visited the lovely village of Paris, Virginia. It was a cold, foggy day with light snow falling.

2013 - Nashville, Tennessee. Portrait of Snuggles, a female cocker spaniel, approximately 11 years old. Companion to my brother-in-law.

2014 - Alexandria, Virginia. A candle burning in the night.

2015 - Alexandria, Virginia. A Christmas tree, lights brightening the dark. (iPhone)

Your visit & comments are appreciated. 

You can see my art work or photographs at, any photographs in my blog are also available for purchase. Visit me on Facebook at tART - Photography and Art by Terry Rowe,

Thursday, November 12, 2015

In the Dark of the Morning a Question is Asked

I often walk my dog in the pre-dawn hours. It's my way of transitioning from sleep into the day ahead, the quiet and dark of our morning walks allows me to sort through the leftover thoughts and dreams from the night before and think about the day in front of me.

We are usually alone as we walk, birds awakening, some of our neighbors rising as a window shines light here and there. The morning planets - Venus, Jupiter, Mars - shine above us and the ever changing moon marks our progress in the month.

This morning, as I walked, I contemplated the many changes and decisions I'm facing. I prayed for a sign to let me know which way to go or if I'm on the right track.

Nearing the end of our walk, as I approached home, I heard someone whistling behind us. I turned to look, because I had not heard or seen anyone else on the streets.

A man on a bike, in an Australian accent, shouted out as he passed by "It's five fucking am in the fucking morning. What have you started?"

Signs and messages are always welcome. Thankful for today's wake up message.

Spirit Light, Durfort, France

Photography by Terry Rowe. 

Your visit & comments are appreciated. 

You can see my art work or photographs at Any photographs in my blog are also available for purchase.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

French Door Details

Keep knocking and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who’s there. ~Rumi

I am fascinated with the beautiful doors and windows of southern France, this series is focused on the door hardware. I can just imagine the many hands that have touched these knockers and handles over the hundreds of years.

In French a door knocker is “les heurtoirs.” The first knockers were small hammers hanging outside the closed front door. A visitor would use the hammer and bang it against the door. 

The hand door knocker is either in cast iron or brass, painted or unpainted, each one holding a ball, this design might have come from the Middle East. There are two legends about the “five fingers and hand.” One is that it represents the hand of Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad), and is an Islamic symbol to ward off the “evil eye.” It is believed by some she had anti-evil magical powers. The Jewish legend on this is that the hand of Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, who also has anti-evil powers. Both legends regard the hand and five fingers to have powers to “keep evil away.”

All of the following images were captured with the iPhone 5. The camera you have with you is always the best camera. Please enjoy!

les heurtoirs, door knocker

les heurtoirs, door knocker

les heurtoirs, door knocker - this is also the door handle - lift and turn sideways it will unlatch the door bolt

les heurtoirs, door knocker
les heurtoirs, door knocker, "The Hand of Fatima"

les heurtoirs, door knocker, "The Hand of Fatima"

les heurtoirs, door knocker, "The Hand of Fatima"

les heurtoirs, door knocker, "The Hand of Fatima"

les heurtoirs, door knocker, "The Hand of Fatima"
les heurtoirs, door knocker

Door locks and knocker

Door locks and knocker

les heurtoirs, door knocker 

Door locks and knocker

Serpent Door Knocker

les heurtoirs, ornate door knocker

Swan door knocker

Serpent Swallowing its Tail and Lion door knocker

Photography by Terry Rowe. 

Your visit & comments are appreciated. 

You can see my art work or photographs at, any photographs in my blog are also available for purchase.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A French Interlude

I returned to France this September. I stayed in the small but lovely village of Durfort in southern France in a house called La Cascade - named for the waterfall just across the river from the back garden.

Durfort is located between Revel and Sorèze. It borders the shores of the Sor river, which leads to Montagne Noir (the Black Mountain). It is nicknamed Cité du Cuivre (the copper city), for the prosperous copper artisan trade that exists there, in addition to artisan trades in leather, glass, basket-making and jewelry.

Durfort is home to Musée du Cuivre (the copper museum), established in 1986, to document five centuries of the local copper craft.

Following is a small assortment of photographs from my trip - all of these were taken with the iPhone 5. The camera you have with you is always the best camera.


Revel, Market Square

Revel, Market Square

Window sign, pastry shop

Window sign, pastry shop

Cafe, Montolieu, the Book Village

Montolieu, the Book Village
Radishes, Revel Farmer's Market

Garlic bouquet, Revel, Farmer's Market

Bread for sale, Revel, Farmer's Market

La Cascade, Durfort

Waterfall, La Cascade

The spirit of La Cascade

Photography by Terry Rowe. 

Your visit & comments are appreciated.

You can see my art work or photographs at, any photographs in my blog are available for purchase.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Santa Fe Impressions

My soul needs to breathe the air of my heart, so a visit to New Mexico is required. There is much to love here, and as I roam a small part of the state I am reminded of what love is, how it transforms even as it burns away the unimportant, leaving the raw essence of what matters.

A short visit yields photographic impressions, shared here with you, there will be more to follow.

Santa Fe Garden

It may be a requirement to grow sunflowers in New Mexico.


Pretty in pink

Purple thistle and a red door

Door, house for lease

Garden gate

Street door leading to the garden and the house

Shutter details

 Shutters as wall art

Photography & prose by Terry Rowe. 

Your visit & comments are appreciated.

You can see my art work or photographs at, any photographs in my blog are available for purchase.