Day 15 I created an abstract out of the scratches on a fence my dog makes as he tries to scale the wood chasing squirrels.
Day 16 is a photograph of a WWI Army wool uniform jacket, "Ike" style. I love the thick heavy wool and the brass buttons. This jacket came from my grandfather, and I love it. But I don't wear it any more, and I've decided to let it go to someone who would wear it or use it. So in preparation for "releasing" the jacket I have been making photographic studies of it.
Day 17 I met up with two friends for a day's outing - I layered on clothes, loaded up with cold medications, cough drops and kleenex and set out. It was exciting and exhausting - a day spent with like-minded friends and my camera is priceless. This is old barn, near a house that is being restored, the lowering sun was shooting over the mountains and the light was lovely. Somewhere outside of Frederick, Maryland.
Day 18 is a collection of found feathers I keep on the kitchen windowsill just as the morning sun started to streak in.
Day 19 is my dog, Bear, looking out into the back yard. I caught him just as he licked his lips.
Day 20 is a composition of a rose and a book at my bedside.